Crypto Payments

Since more and more of our customers have told us that they would like to be able to pay using Crypto for reasons of security, privacy and speed we have implemented a simple and easy to use payment system!
For now we only accept payment with Bitcoin, Ethereum and Solana.

How does it work?

1. Once you have decided which model you want to order, use any digital converter to convert the price from $ to BTC/ETH/SOL.

SPECIAL BONUS : 15% discount on any SEXUAL DOLLS. Bonus does not apply to dolls already on discount!
To receive the 15% BONUS you can contact us to check the final price or you can do it yourself and then continue with step 2.

2. Use any of the addresses below to transfer the crypto of your choice!

ATTENTION: Make sure you have copied the address in full and that it corresponds to the one displayed on our website.

  • bc1qsydl66xw6uet8d57apwdelt4t4wqdypwh5e8jg

  • 0x066b2a1DC72682d4EfB24Adef6b65ddc4706593F

  • A7APdnK73hvfT9HgeVQUecoZuuPo5nCH99HEVqtiAsaZ

3. Now please send an email to our dedicated Crypto order processing team: with the following details:

- Delivery :

  1. First and Last Name;
  2. Email address;
  3. Full address (Country, Province, City, Street, Postcode).

- Order :

  1. Full name of the Sex Doll (as it appears on the website);
  2. Height;
  3. Full address of the Wallet from which you made the transfer!

4. DONE! Now you can relax while we take care of everything!


If you've never bought or transferred crypto before, don't worry. Things are easier than you think.
The first thing you need is a crypto wallet.
We advise you to use PHANTOM ( ). It is easy to install and use.

Once installed (phone/computer) to buy BTC/ETH/SOL watch the following video : . We recommend you to use MOONPAY to pay. The process takes only 3 minutes.

After you have bought BTC/ETH/SOL open Phantom Wallet and press SEND. Depending on what type of crypto you bought copy one of the above addresses ( BTC to BTC, ETH to ETH, SOL to SOL), enter the amount and press SEND.

In a few moments your payment is made. Then come back to step 3 and send us the delivery details!